
Corporate Carbon Footprint for industrial companies made easy

Discover how we are working with industry leaders to redefine what sustainable business can mean for industrial companies.

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Calculate CO₂ footprint and significantly reduce regulatory effort

Achieve a full balance sheet in just 8 weeks – perfectly tailored to the needs of the manufacturing industry.

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“The Tanso software shows its full strength when used over the long term. Thanks to the stored information and automations, we are already saving about 50% of our time in the second year."

Foto von Alexander Brevern,
Mirko Münstermann
Head of procurement at heroal

Corporate Carbon Footprint –  Helpful resources and practical tips

Gather data

  • Cloud-based collaboration
  • Uncomplicated processing for thousands of data points
  • Raw data upload for Excel/CSV files

Calculate emissions

  • Automated calculation of carbon footprints
  • Access to all public emission factors (including D-BEIS/DEFRA, ProBas, EPA)
  • Specifically tailored for industrial companies

Understand your emissions

  • Comprehensive transparency of all emissions
  • Detailed breakdown by key segments
  • Efficient hotspot identification

Reduce your carbon footprint

  • More capacity for value-adding measures
  • Clear objectives in accordance with SBTi or your own goals
  • Initiative controlling for effective decarbonization

Communicate your results

  • Generate report-ready data at the touch of a button
  • Ensure compliance with prevalent standards (GHG Protocol, ISO 14064)
  • Establish Tanso as the single source for various reporting outputs
Produkt Screenshots der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierungssoftware auf dem exportierbare CO2 Berichtserstattungen zu sehen sind.
Corporate carbon footprint

Machen Sie sich Nachhaltigkeit einfacher. Mit unserem CO₂-Rechner.

Profitieren Sie von der Präzision der Tanso-Software – optimal abgestimmt auf die Anforderungen der fertigenden Industrie.


Eröffnen Sie in wenigen Minuten Ihr Konto und setzen Sie Ihr Profil auf. Fordern Sie standort- und fachabteilungsübergreifend effizient Daten an. Nutzen Sie hierfür Datenanfragen über unser Aufgabenmanagement oder unseren Rohdatenupload für Excel/CSV-Dateien. Für umfangreiche Datensätze können Sie alternativ auch unsere API nutzen.

  • Cloud-basierte Zusammenarbeit
  • Intuitives Projektmanagement
  • Unkomplizierte Verarbeitung tausender Datenpunkte
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Erfassung von Daten.
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Berechnung von Emissionen.

Emissionen berechnen

Ermitteln Sie Ihren direkten und indirekten CO₂-Fußabdruck (Scope 1-3) über unsere benutzerfreundliche Web-App. Nutzen Sie Tansos umfassende Emissionsfaktoren-Datenbank oder erstellen Sie eigene, lieferantenspezifische Faktoren, um noch genauere Werte zu erhalten.

  • Automatisierte Berechnung Ihres CO₂-Fußabdrucks
  • Zugang zu allen öffentlichen Emissionsfaktoren 
(einschließlich D-BEIS/DEFRA, ProBas, EPA)
  • Speziell für Industrieunternehmen entwickelt

Emissionen verstehen

Ermitteln Sie Ihre Emissionen nach Produktgruppe, Standort, Lieferant oder Abteilung, um Emissions-Schwerpunkte zu identifizieren. Mit unseren Analysen finden Sie heraus, wo sich Emissionen in Ihrem Unternehmen konzentrieren und können gezielt in den Austausch mit Fachabteilungen gehen.

  • Umfassende Transparenz aller Emissionen
  • Detaillierte Aufschlüsselung nach Hauptsegmenten
  • Effiziente Identifizierung von Schwerpunkten
Produkt Screenshot der Tanso CO2 Bilanzierung Software mit Darstellungen zur Co2 Reduktion.

Fußabdruck reduzieren

Entwickeln Sie eine datengestützte Dekarbonisierungsstrategie, legen Sie Ihre Emissionsziele fest und überwachen Sie Ihre Fortschritte genau. Erarbeiten Sie Dekarbonisierungspläne und vergleichen Sie Ihre Ziele mit den Standards der Science-Based-Targets Initiative (SBTi).

  • Mehr Kapazitäten für wertschöpfende Maßnahmen
  • Klare Zielsetzung gemäß SBTi oder den eigenen Zielen
  • Initiativen-Controlling für effektive Dekarbonisierung

Ergebnisse kommunizieren

Kommunizieren Sie Ihre Fortschritte. Mit Tanso informieren Sie Kunden, Regulierungsbehörden und andere Interessensgruppen mühelos über Ihren CO₂-Fußabdruck, der anerkannten Standards (GHG-Protokoll, GRI, ISO usw.) entspricht.

  • Erstellung berichtsfertiger Daten auf Knopfdruck
  • Sicherstellung von Konformität mit gängigen Standards 
(GHG-Protokoll, GRI, ISO 14064)
  • Tanso als Single-Source-of-Truth für die Berichterstattung

Discover Tanso –
Your complete solution for sustainability


Frequently asked questions about Tanso

Implementation, regulatory details, and more. Find your answers here.

Is the CCF also important for supplier portals and rankings/ratings?

The corporate carbon footprint (CCF) is a key indicator for supplier portals and rankings/ratings. OEMs are increasingly demanding transparent and measurable sustainability data in order to reduce the environmental impact along the value chain. It is also crucial in assessment models such as those of EcoVadis or the CDP, as these take climate performance into account as an important criterion.

Who normally works with the software?

  • Employees: Collect and submit data on emissions, energy consumption and sustainability metrics from business units or suppliers to ensure the data basis for reports.
  • Sustainability managers: Manage the carbon accounting process, analyze data, ensure target achievement and prepare reports. In the case of complex structures, regional managers support decentralized reporting.
  • Auditors: Check data for accuracy and compliance with reporting standards. Thanks to audit trails and transparent emissions statements, they provide reliable validation of carbon accounting.
  • Management: Uses the analyses to gain insight into sustainability performance, make strategic decisions, set targets and link initiatives to the corporate strategy.

What is the difference between market-based and location-based electricity emissions? Why is that important?

  • Market-based emissions: Take into account the specific electricity mix from contractual agreements, e.g. through the purchase of green electricity.
  • Location-based emissions: Reflect the average electricity mix of a geographical area, independent of contracts.
  • Relevance: Differentiation provides a more realistic picture of the emissions balance and avoids double accounting. It is prescribed in guidelines such as the CSRD and underlines the importance of market- and location-based perspectives.

Which emission factor databases are available in Tanso?

The following is an excerpt from the available databases:

  • DBEIS: UK-based database, provides emission factors for calculating the carbon footprint (CCF) and covers various activities.
  • AIB (Association of Issuing Bodies): Contains specific emission factors for electricity and energy generation in Europe.
  • BAFA: German database focusing on CCF emission factors, especially for fossil fuels and energy use.
  • IDEMAT: Collection of LCI data (life cycle analysis), developed by the Sustainable Impact Metrics Foundation (TU Delft). Ideal for product life cycle analyses.
  • Ökobaudat: German database for building products and processes with detailed emission factors, often used for sustainable building.
  • GLEC: Global database, specifically for logistics emissions, managed by the Smart Freight Center. Supports companies in the precise calculation of transportation emissions.
  • Exiobase PxP: Detailed multi-regional database, estimates emissions and resource use for industries and countries worldwide.
  • EPDs (Environmental Product Declarations): Product-related life cycle assessments created by companies for their products. Useful for specific product analyses.
  • Mobitool: Swiss database, offers emission factors for different types of passenger transportation, ideal for mobility analyses.
  • Tanso: Internally generated emission factors combined from official external sources to provide comprehensive and customizable calculations.

Which calculation methods do exist?

  • Financial figure-based method: The emissions generated per monetary unit spent on a specific activity are calculated.
  • Industry average method: Emissions per unit of consumption of a specific activity. Factors from emission factor databases are used to quantify the average emissions of an activity.
  • Supplier-specific method: Emissions per unit of consumption of a specific activity where the emissions data come directly from the supplier (so-called primary data).

What is the GHG protocol? Are there any differences between GHG and ISO 14064/67? CDP? GRI?

GHG protocol: A globally recognized standard for recording and reporting greenhouse gas emissions.
ISO 14064: Focuses on quantifiable, auditable reporting at company level.
ISO 14067: Refers specifically to the greenhouse gas balance of products.
CDP: Platform for disclosing environmental information such as emissions and climate risks.
GRI: Standards for comprehensive sustainability reporting, including environmental, social and governance issues.

What challenges do I face when calculating Scope 3 emissions?

Scope 3 emissions account for around 90% of a corporate carbon footprint, but the data is often difficult to access. Its collection requires close cooperation with suppliers, and complex calculation methods lead to uncertainties in accuracy.